Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal technology has advanced over many years and now includes devices that offer a more precise application of the laser to the follicle. This results in a faster and pain free treatment experience. If you haven’t tried laser hair removal, talk to someone who has, the results really are phenomenal. Imagine no longer having to spend 15-20 minutes in the shower every day to shave. Imagine not spending that extra $10,000 throughout your lifetime on shaving and hair removal products. Imagine having silky smooth legs or a bikini area without the bumps, ingrown hairs or dark follicles.

Ask Questions

When you speak to a provider about your treatment plan ask questions. Based on your hair type and color and skin color what are the expected number of treatments? What type of laser device will be used? What is the timing for each follow-up treatment? Is there any sort of guarantee of results? What is the price for follow-up treatments after the initial treatment course?

Why Is My Laser Hair Removal Not Working?

Laser hair removal is an excellent treatment, but we’re all different and for some people it works more effectively than for others. There are a variety of different reasons why the results you expected are not being achieved. It is important that your laser clinic is addressing all of these issues to ensure you receive safe results and fast.

Some Reasons Why Laser Treatments May Not Be Working for You

Proper treatment times are essential to the success rate. If not enough time has been allocated to each one of your sessions, this will result in large areas being left untreated. Laser hair removal treatments should not be rushed in any way, as this will dramatically affect your results. If you notice some patches of hair are growing back a lot faster than others a few weeks after your treatment, then it is most likely these are missed spots from your last laser session.

Medical Grade Lasers Guarantee The Best Results

Medical grade FDA approved lasers are specifically designed to target and effectively remove hairs safely over a fewer sessions. This technology is superior at targeting hair structures and penetrate deeper into targeted hairs.

Experienced and Confident Therapists Are Key

Dedicated hair removal specialists who perform laser hair removal on a daily basis will ensure that you get the maximum benefit from each and every session.  Safety and comfort are of paramount importance, and experienced laser therapists will ensure that both of these standards are upheld.

The Right Number of Sessions

For the majority of clients we always recommend a minimum of 6-8 sessions. If you have been told that you will have 100% hair removal in 6 sessions this is untrue. Your hair will be reduced greatly after 6 sessions, but this is not the end of your hair removal journey.

Individual Biology
There are a number of different internal factors that may be contributing to your results not progressing. Hormonal, hereditary and genetic factors can all influence your treatment outcomes. Laser therapy can only treat hairs externally so there is a limit to what results can be achieved for people with underlying issues.

Hair Colour
If you are having laser treatments and your hair is blond, red or grey we would recommend that you stop, laser will not work on these hair types.  The lighter the hair the more difficult it is for the laser to target, laser will work on brown and black hairs only.

As you can see there are a number of different reasons why lasers treatments may not be delivering the results you expected. If you are concerned about any of these issues, or feel that we may be able to help you improve your results, please contact us. We ensure that all aspects of your treatment are carried out according to the highest standards, which is vital to achieving excellent results for every client.

If you have any further questions regarding laser hair removal, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Biggest Mistakes to Avoid If You’re Getting Laser Hair Removal

1. You didn’t shave first. Lasers heat hair to damage the hair follicles structure, but if you didn’t shave first, and the hair is too long, the laser can burn your skin. That’s why you want hair in the follicle but not above the skin. And although it takes several months for full laser hair removal, you can also shave in between visits.

2. You didn’t go to someone with experience. But it’s hard to know how knowledgeable someone is with a laser unless you ask. Whether it’s a physician, laser technician, or aesthetician, you want to make sure the person does hair removal regularly—every day versus once or twice a month.

3. You didn’t check the device. Cool gel, tinted goggles, flashing light—turns out my first laser experience was with IPL. IPL can work well; it just usually takes more treatments. And you can have some slightly higher risk of burns. That’s because IPL is contraindicated for darker skin tones, including tans. For those individuals, Nd: Yag laser is more appropriate device which is more effective than IPL.

4. You’re not being consistent. The standard time between appointments is four to six weeks. And it usually takes five sessions to achieve satisfactory hair reduction. “What happens is people will get two or three [treatments], and then six months later they come back and say it all grew back. You have to repetitively traumatize the follicle. Certain areas with especially thick hair may require additional sessions, but five should be enough for most.

5. You have crazy-high expectations. Most areas will have about an 85 to 90 percent reduction in hair. Different areas will show different results for different people, but there will likely always still be some hair, so don’t expect complete baldness. The FDA approval is for permanent laser hair reduction, not removal.

For a complementary consultation call us at 416-228-0011