Entries by Nell Laser Clinic

How The Hair Growth Cycles Effect Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Hair Growth CyclesThere are three stages of hair growth:Stage 1 – Anagen : This stage is the beginning phase of hair growth. This is when the hair is visible above the skin and is still attached to the papilla. The papilla is a knoblike vascular indentation of the bottom of the hair follicle on which the hair bulb fits. (Definition courtesy of dictionary.com) This hair growth Anagen phase is ideal for laser hair removal because since it is still attached to the papilla the laser can attack the papilla and prevent any new growth. This stage usually lasts for about 2-3 weeks and occurs for both facial and body hair.

Solutions for Facial Hair, Skin Tags and Acne

Well let’s start with the basics as applies to facial skin care, but before we get there let’s talk about what is going on inside our bodies.If we don’t address the problem at the source, all the rest will not be effective.  This is why we are great believers in Lorna Vanderhaeghe and her products.  You see, our skin is a reflection of what on going on inside.  If we are healthy, our skin will naturally glow.

What are the Causes of Age Spots, Sun Spots & Wrinkles?

Wrinkles, altered pigmentation (age spots), loss of tone all associated with skin aging. Age -related skin changes are the result of genetically -programmed changes (intrinsic factors) and environmental wear and tear on skin (extrinsic factors). Ultraviolet has cases majority of structural changes to the skin. These changes are chemical reactions that occur within the skin and include:

Approaching Dermalogica Skin Care Products from a Health Perspective!

Dermalogica was founded in 1986 by Jane Wurwand, a highly educated and trained skin therapist. Today, this leading company is one of the most prestigious cosmetic and skin care distributors worldwide.  Their mission is to improve skin health results through the education of skin therapists and cosmetic professionals, rather than advertising or fancy packaging.  

Does Sun Exposure Age Skin?

The skin is an excellent record keeper. Every moment we are exposed to daylight adds up like money in the bank- the problem is the payoff; namely skin damage in the form of wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation and premature aging, a repressed immune system and the potential for skin cancer. Skin cancer is a global phenomenon.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tag is benign, soft hanging skin which most people have at some point in their lives.The most common areas where skin tags occur are; eyelids, neck, under arms and the upper chest.They are much more common in middle age.What causes skin tags?Although we do not know the exact cause of skin tags, the following are thought to be associated with their appearance:

How does Laser Spider Vein Removal work?

Spider veins usually look like spider webs. They may be red, blue or purple and can be found anywhere on the face or body. Spider veins are blood vessels that are slightly enlarged, and usually increase in number with age. Fortunately, there are solutions for removing them.Laser is an effective non-invasive treatment to remove spider veins from the skin. During treatment, laser light is focused and absorbed by the chromophore which is responsible for the blood color. As a result of the heat generated, spider veins collapse and fade. This is a non-invasive procedure and may require more than one treatment to get the best results.

What is The Cause of Facial Hair Growth in Women?

In women, every month, until after menopause an egg is released with help from the Luteining follicle hormone and this increases progesterone.  Sometimes, however, no egg is released and no progesterone is secreted rather estrogen production increases.  As a result of this imbalance the follicles mature into fluid-filled sacs or cysts that grow larger every month until progesterone is released.