Hair Growth CyclesThere are three stages of hair growth:Stage 1 – Anagen : This stage is the beginning phase of hair growth. This is when the hair is visible above the skin and is still attached to the papilla. The papilla is a knoblike vascular indentation of the bottom of the hair follicle on which the hair bulb fits. (Definition courtesy of This hair growth Anagen phase is ideal for laser hair removal because since it is still attached to the papilla the laser can attack the papilla and prevent any new growth. This stage usually lasts for about 2-3 weeks and occurs for both facial and body hair.

Well let’s start with the basics as applies to facial skin care, but before we get there let’s talk about what is going on inside our bodies.If we don’t address the problem at the source, all the rest will not be effective.  This is why we are great believers in Lorna Vanderhaeghe and her products.  You see, our skin is a reflection of what on going on inside.  If we are healthy, our skin will naturally glow.

Wrinkles, altered pigmentation (age spots), loss of tone all associated with skin aging. Age -related skin changes are the result of genetically -programmed changes (intrinsic factors) and environmental wear and tear on skin (extrinsic factors). Ultraviolet has cases majority of structural changes to the skin. These changes are chemical reactions that occur within the skin and include: